Tag Archives: wordpress
Keeping the year up-to-date in WordPress
Websites often have the current year in the footer with a copyright notice. If the year is manually entered it can easily get out of sync. Remembering to change it every year is easily forgotten and easy to miss. Plus, … Continue reading
WordPress Image Gallery Plugins
I’ve spent a bit of time looking into solutions for WordPress image galleries recently. Here are some thoughts on what I’ve found. WordPress Gallery These days WordPress (version 3.8) has a pretty good built-in support for image galleries. It’s basic … Continue reading
EU Cookie Law
Many people have heard about the EU cookie law now, and we’re seeing more and more websites showing popups about cookies as a response to it. But, there is a great deal of confusion about what it means in practice … Continue reading
Twitter Cards
Twitter Cards are meta data added to webpage that tell Twitter information about the page’s content. Twitter uses this information when a Tweet links to your page, which enriches the tweet. The information is typically shown when the user clicks … Continue reading
Customising WordPress Themes and Plugins
WordPress is a great platform to use as a CMS (Content Management Scheme) for driving a website. It comes with great built-in functionality and many free and paid-for plugins and themes. Advanced features can be included very easily and quickly by both programmers … Continue reading
Google Authorship
People’s faces have been appearing more and more in Google search results, looking something like this: This comes about by people claiming authorship of their own pages and linking them to their Google Plus accounts. There are lots of reasons why … Continue reading
AntarcticGlaciers.org launched
I’ve been working on a new science outreach website called AnarcticGlaciers.org for Bethan Davies from the Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences, Aberystywth University. The aim of this website is to promote the science of Antarctic glaciology from both their own research on the Antarctic Peninsula, … Continue reading