Tag Archives: html
Vertically aligning HTML
Vertically centering HTML always seems more difficult than one would expect given how easy it is to horizontally centre text. It would follow that with vertical-align: middle; vertical alignment would be just as easy via CSS. Alas, centring vertically invariably … Continue reading
Twitter Cards
Twitter Cards are meta data added to webpage that tell Twitter information about the page’s content. Twitter uses this information when a Tweet links to your page, which enriches the tweet. The information is typically shown when the user clicks … Continue reading
Google Authorship
People’s faces have been appearing more and more in Google search results, looking something like this: This comes about by people claiming authorship of their own pages and linking them to their Google Plus accounts. There are lots of reasons why … Continue reading
Using fonts on the web
The fonts available when a web page is rendered in a web browser depend on which fonts are installed on the user’s system. While a user can install more fonts, it is the fonts that come as default for an … Continue reading